Influenza - International Organisations
The World Health Organisation
The World Health Organisation (WHO) has issued a whole range of materials
on Influenza. The frame below intends to give links to some of the latest
available documents.
International Organisations
OIE - World Organisation for Animal Health webpage on Avian Influenza
FAO - Food and Agriculture Organisation webpage on Avian Influenza
European Commission
European Agencies and Networks
ECDC - European Centre for Disease prevention and Control
EISS - European Influenza Surveillance is a EU funded project
aimed at Influenza surveillance and early-warning in 22 European countries.
Eurosurveillance is a EU funded project and is dedicated to the surveillance, prevention
and control of infectious and communicable disease.
VIRGIL - European surveillance network for vigilance against viral resistance
(EU funded project)
IFAH - The International Federation of Animal Health represents manufacturers
of veterinary medicines, vaccines and other animal health products in
both developed and developing countries across five continents.
An article written by EPHA on pandemic flu planning in Europe
can be downloaded here. It was published in a special book ’Know
risk - epidemic’ launched at the World Health Assembly in May 2005.
Other useful links
CDC - United States Centre of Disease prevention and Control special portal
on Influenza.
CIDRAP - Center for infectious disease research and policy - University of Minesota, one of the most informative website on Influenza
countries have published their national
preparedness plans. The list can be found on the WHO website.
survey was undertaken in Autumn 2004 to assess preparedness in the European
region. The WHO and the European Commission plan to repeat it one year
later. The results are public on the Eurosurveillance website